Allergic Rhinitis is an immune disorder. It’s a reaction to airborne (inhaled) allergens. Depending with the allergen the resulting rhinitis and conjunctivitis may be seasonal (hay fever) or occur year round (perennial allergic rhinitis)
When a body comes into contact with allergen, it releases histamine which is a natural chemical that defends the body from the allergen. This chemical can cause allergic rhinitis and its symptoms. The most common allergens includes tree pollen, grass pollen, dust mites, animal dander, cat saliva and mold
Symptoms of allergic rhinitis
These includes
- Sneezing
- Running nose
- Stuffy nose
- Itchy nose
- Coughing
- Sour or scratchy throat
- Itchy nose
- Watery eyes
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Frequent headaches
- Eczema – dry and itchy skin that can blister
- Excessive fatigue
- Hives (Swollen, pale red bumps or plaques on the skin)
To manage Allergic rhinitis
The following foods are important in your diet
Flax and chia foods– these are good source of alpha linoleic acid which is the plant fashion of omega 3. They are good source of proteins.
Turmeric– this is a spice that helps to prevent the release of histamine, turmeric is anti-inflammatory hence its used to ease the symptoms as well as fight them
Garlic– it’s a great allergy fighter. Garlic works as the decongestant helping to ease sneezes and sniffers
Omega 3 rich foods– e.g. fish oil helps to reduce the inflammation
Quercetin rich foods like Green/ Black teas, apples, red onions, stinging nettle and red wine
Eliminate these external factors that triggers or worsens the allergic rhinitis
- Cigarette smoking
- Chemical inhalation
- Exposures to cold temperature
- Wind and air pollution
- Hair spray
- Perfumes
- .Wood smoke and fumes
To prevent allergic rhinitis
- Stay indoors when pollen counts are high
- Avoid exercising out doors
- Take showers immediately after being outside
- Keep your windows and doors frequently shut during the allergy season
- Keep your mouth and nose covered while performing yard work
- Bathe your pets twice a week
- Remove carpeting in your rooms if you are concerned
NB: All the recommended foods that helps manage allergic rhinitis are available at Erangi Foods
Isaac Njiru Njeru
Food Technologist
Mobile No. 0722 561 495
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