Aging is the process of becoming older. It is a sequential change in organism that leads to increased risk of frailty, disease and death. Some age related changes such as wrinkles and grey hair are inevitable. However current research suggest that many factors associated with aging are due to inactivity and poor nutrition practices. Therefore, nutrition is an important determinant of health for persons 65 years and above. The following are some of the common conditions affecting elderly people (i.e 65 years and above)

Hearing loss

Age related hearing loss is known as presbycusis and it primarily affects adults 55 year and above. It manifests as high frequency sensory loss. There is a permanent damage of the cochlear and sometimes it involves the sensorineural nerve. It results from normal aging, noise exposure, ear infections and genetic predisposition.  

Nutrition is fundamental to health of the auditory system. Certain nutrition patterns may actually increase or decrease hearing loss in geriatric patients.

Prioritize foods rich in potassium folic acid zinc and omega 3. Limit food high in sodium low density lipoproteins(LDL), cholesterol refined foods and red meats.

Cataracts and refractive errors

Many adverse physiological changes in the structure and function of the eye occur during aging process. Refractive error and cataracts being some of these changes.

Refractive error is the change in the shape of the eye that causes vision to become occurs when the eye is unable to focus light appropriately on to the retina.

 A cataract is a clouding of the natural intraocular crystalline area in the lens that focuses light entering the eye onto the retina. Cataracts often develop slowly and can affect one or both eyes. Symptoms may include: faded colors, double vision, halos around light, trouble with bright lights, and trouble seeing at night.  The retina is prone to oxidative stress due to abundance of free radicals. Dietary intake of carotenoids eg lutein and zaexanthin, omega 3, vitamin A, D,C,E, zinc is vital for reducing risk of eye diseases.  

Dementia and depression

This is a neurodegenerative disorder causing loss of cognitive functioning, thinking, remembering and reasoning which interferes with everyday activities. There are various forms of dementia including: Alzheimer disease, Parkinson diseases and huntingtons disease. These conditions affect brain regions such as the entohinal cortex, hippocupus, basal fore brain and amygdala that is involved in memory and emotional behavior.

Depression is another serious mental disorder in late life. There are many predisposing factors to depression including social economic status, stressful events in life, brain lesions and poor nutrition practices

Vascular conditions like hypertension, stroke, diabetes, and cerebral vascular diseases may lead to depression by causing neuronal changes.

Oxidative stress increases with aging and its associated with manifestation of age related neurodegenerative diseases. consumption of saturated fats and high cholesterol diets, refined sugars mainly sucrose and high fructose diets may increase cerebral vascular and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the diets may also increase level of oxidative stress. Naturally occurring antioxidants such as vitamins A,E and C and carotenes play a role in reducing levels of free radicals that cause oxidative stress. 

Omega fatty acid (doc-osahexanoic acid DHA), folic acid, cobalamin(B12), pyridoxine(B6) are also very critical for brain health.  

Diabetes mellitus

This is a metabolic disorder. The most common type of diabetes in older adults is type 2 is associated with age, obesity and genetic predisposition. Development of type 2 diabetes occurs with time involving a period of insulin resistance along with compensatory hypersulemia in attempt to maintain euglycemia and resulting in impaired glucose levels. Nutrition therapy is an integral part in preventing and managing diabetes.

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to various complications including: nephropathy (kidney disease), retinopathy (eye diseases) neuropathy (nerve disease) and depression. High fibre carbohydrates with (soluble and insoluble) from legumes, cereals and vegetables. Protein intake should meet 20% of total energy requirement when there is no renal impairment. Calcium, Vitamin D, Zinc and Chromium are nutrients of interest in old diabetic patient because of their role in metabolism immune function and health. Unsaturated fatty acids should be avoided and replaced them with poly-unsaturated and mono-un saturated fatty acids. Erangi Hills Food processors LTD. Provides a variety of food items for diabetic people like: whole grain flour of: oats, barley, wheat, maize, millet, sorghum among others. Dehydrated vegetable flours of: beetroot, spinach, moringa oleifera powder, cinnamon powder, carrots powder and pumpkin squash. Seeds like chia seeds, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds nuts and sunflower are also available to meet the macro and micronutrient needs of elderly individuals.

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